
Battino Law PLLC proudly serves Knoxville and the surrounding areas

Hiring an Experienced Knoxville Family Law Attorney is an Important First Step to a Successful Divorce

Divorce is never an easy situation. People who are going through a divorce are understandably apprehensible. If you are going through a divorce, you don’t have to go through it alone. Battino Law PLLC is here to help answer all of your questions and address any concerns about your divorce.

From contested to uncontested divorce, to child support and alimony, Battino Law PLLC is here to advocate for you and protect your rights.

Four Core Areas of a Divorce

Division of Marital Property

Child Custody

Child Support


Spousal Support

Grounds For Divorce in Tennessee

No Fault Grounds

You may file for divorce based on either fault-based or no-fault-based grounds. Under no-fault grounds, spouses may agree that there are irreconcilable differences between them as grounds for their divorce.

Fault Grounds

However, if the divorce will be on fault-based grounds, one spouse must prove that there are legal grounds for the divorce. Let us explain how a no-fault divorce is different from an at-fault divorce, and what the most common grounds are for an at-fault divorce in your free consultation with one of our lawyers. 

Uncontested Divorce

In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree to the terms and sign the required documents before the case is filed. Both parties must agree to the grounds for divorce as being a “no-fault divorce” based on “irreconcilable differences”. Both parties agree to all matters in the divorce such as property, alimony, custody, child support, etc.

Although these divorces are easier to navigate than contested divorces, it is still best to retain the services of an experienced divorce attorney. This ensures that that you file the necessary paperwork correctly, to ensure your divorce goes as smoothly and quickly as possible.

Whether you simply need an attorney to review or draft your papers, or your uncontested divorce is starting to take a turn for the worst, Battino Law PLLC will advocate for your best interests.

Contested Divorce

In a contested divorce, typically you and your spouse do not agree as to how things should be divided, custody arrangements, and other major factors. Although a lot divorces end in a settlement of all issues, many divorces begin as contested divorces.

At Battino Law PLLC, we know that some divorces are more complex than others. Some of the most common issues that are contested in divorce proceedings are:

·         Child custody and/or child support

·         Division of property and/or assets

·         Alimony/Spousal support

Divorce can be scary, but with an experienced divorce attorney on your side, it doesn’t have to be. We proudly serve clients in Knoxville, Tennessee, and surrounding areas all throughout East Tennessee.